Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In treatment restores durable water repellency (DWR) for waterproof/breathable fabrics such as Gore-Tex, HyVent, PreCip, and Event. Washing and using fabrics can make them begin to absorb water or "wet out". Nikwax TX-Direct completely restores surface water-repellency which enhances breathability. Nikwax TX-Direct lasts several washings and does not need to be reapplied after every wash like other treatments.
- Patented, award-winning formula adds water-repellency to synthetic outerwear
- High-performance, low-impact solution provides effective waterproofing while maintaining fabric breathability
- Easy, wash-in application is effective on all waterproof / breathable laminates, coatings and microfibers
- Recommended for Gore-Tex®, Ultrex, Entrant®, eVENT® and Triple Point
- Water-based and biodegradable formula contains no fluorocarbons or VOCs
- Nikwax is a global leader in safe, high-performance waterproofing and cleaning solutions for clothing, footwear and equipment